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Finding duplicated hospital records across databases using Spark & Machine Learning

By Joe Ganser

I Abstract

This machine learning project was designed to identify duplicated records across disconnected hospital record databases, where the same person may be under a different name in a different database. Working with ~160 million row datasets pulled via postresql (AWS Redshift) to AWS Elastic Map Reduce Linux system, the Splink machine learning package was used on a PySpark EMR system to identify matching records in different databses. The greatest challenge and innovation in this project was finding a way to break the machine learning job into data partitions that work even in unstable circumstances (more about this in challenges section).


II Problem statement

II.A Problem

When a person goes into a hospital, a human being has to record their information which gets saved to a database. Inevitably, such processes leads to erroneous data points. For example, a person may use their short name when walking into a hospital, ("Joe" vs "Joseph") or a clerk may record their birthdate off by a single character.

The US Department of Defense wants to ensure that it's personelle get the health care they need. Thus when a soldier get's treated at one VA hospital, it's important that the database records match up to when that soldier gets treated at different hospital. Using machine learning techniques - specifically the Fellegi Sunter model [1] provided the by the PySpark Splink package [2], we can predict what records link up.

There are two main use cases - finding duplicated records within the same database, and finding linked records across different databases. On a row by row comparison both are fundamentally the same problem (e.g. linking record Joe to record Joseph).

This is a big data problem. The total dataset consisted of about 160 million records, stored on various tables in postgres SQL (AWS Redshift). To do this level of computing PySpark EMR systems were used on partitions of data.

The databases we will be evaluating and connecting are;

  • Deers
  • CDR
  • CHCS
  • MHS Genesis
  • Aplis
  • Essentris

Deers consists of the most deterministically matched records [3], and has the highest quality of data. The goal is then to take all the other tables and find rows within them that match to Deers. Hence the linkage jobs will be;

  • Deers to CDR
  • Deers to CHCS
  • Deers to MHS Genesis
  • Deers to Aplis
  • Deers to essentris

Deers is always the "left table" and the other tables will be the "right table" when we set up the code.


II.B Performance evaluation

No machine learning problem should be done without some form of fitting and evaluation. Surely there must be a rule of thumb to identify matched records - and there is. Using a deterministic matching criteria, we can identify if two records are identical. The deterministic matching [3] criteria is;

levenshtein_distance(l.patient_ssn,r.patient_ssn)<=1 and levenshtein_distance(l.dob,r.dob)<=1 and l.dodid = r.dodid

What does this mean? Consider two patient records, we have the following data points;

  • l.patient_ssn (left patient social security number)
  • r.patient_ssn (right patient)
  • l.dob (left patient date of birth)
  • r.dob
  • l.dodid (left patient dept of defense id number)
  • r.dodid

Now using the levenshtein_distance(x,y) function [4], we ensure that the levenshtein_distance is less than or equal to 1 when comparing the social security numbers and dates of birth.

So since we have a way of finding deterministically matched records, we need to see how many records splink matches out of ones we know have deterministic matches. There are records which dont have all these features (e.g. missing ssn or missing date of birth), so we use Splink to match those records.

Thus to fit our model, we train on records we know have a specific quantity of deterministic matches, as we count how many records our machine learning model also identifies out of the known deterministic matches. This allows us to transform a problem originally labeled as unsupervised into a classification problem.

The business use case of this data will be to send the matches identified via machine learning to analysts. It's better that we have our machine learning problem identify more matches than less, so even if we mistakenly identify a few extra that happen to be a fluke, the analyst teams will pick that up. Therefor, the metric we seek to maximize is recall = TP/(TP+FN).

II.C Graphical visualization


II.D Data Input

The data input consists of two dataframes, a left table and a right table. The left table is always deers; here's an example of what it should look like (note: this is random, fake data)

master_record_id patient_ssn sponsor_ssn dodid first_name middle_name last_name dob sex_gender address_zip phone_number marital_status
76 531-43-6045 402-85-6842 912 Michael Sarah John 1983-09-10 Male 19318 201-193-9657 Married
42 403-76-1253 701-23-4179 854 Anna Michael Ella 1991-10-08 Female 49270 520-769-3756 Single
18 659-48-3219 798-34-7156 527 David Chris David 1978-04-12 Other 38201 418-578-6719 Widowed
10 746-51-9072 395-78-2361 731 Jane Ella Chris 2001-02-19 Male 47032 783-926-1485 Divorced
25 301-35-8410 930-24-5709 41 Michael Anna John 1975-07-25 Female 61502 485-537-1250 Married

The right table is any of the others, and it should have the same structure as its left counter part;

master_record_id patient_ssn sponsor_ssn dodid first_name middle_name last_name dob sex_gender address_zip phone_number marital_status
34 671-25-4920 825-60-3197 788 Emily Chris John 1987-03-04 Male 27546 514-458-2780 Married
93 518-17-6852 624-93-7406 244 Sarah Jane David 1993-11-12 Female 34625 315-648-1023 Widowed
70 823-14-3790 759-61-2194 309 Anna Michael Michael 1974-08-05 Other 45170 254-976-8453 Divorced
29 432-85-6071 693-18-4325 68 Chris David Emily 1982-09-19 Male 57938 623-792-1465 Single
57 917-20-3456 568-43-7094 482 Jane Sarah Anna 1989-01-28 Female 61845 812-534-7892 Married

II.D Model output

Splink outputs that compare the contents of the left table to the right table, including the feature values. See source [5] for more details on splink outputs.

match_weight match_probability source_dataset_l source_dataset_r master_record_id_l master_record_id_r dodid_l dodid_r marital_status_l marital_status_r dob_l dob_r first_name_l first_name_r last_name_l last_name_r middle_name_l middle_name_r patient_ssn_l patient_ssn_r sponsor_ssn_l sponsor_ssn_r address_zip_l address_zip_r phone_number_l phone_number_r sex_gender_l sex_gender_r
0.243675 0.225771 deers cdr 54 60 304 556 Single Widowed 1977-07-20 1976-10-12 Michael Sarah Chris Ella Emily Sarah 852-20-3542 112-83-3845 843-56-3871 584-40-6824 35218 28347 580-715-8025 586-556-9460 Female Other
0.845703 0.526719 deers cdr 40 95 900 561 Divorced Divorced 1995-11-18 2000-05-25 Anna Jane Emily Sarah Michael David 538-76-5691 611-38-7600 180-93-5798 679-96-9268 87420 23700 224-897-1108 278-472-9467 Female Male
0.415201 0.698438 deers cdr 88 32 882 241 Widowed Divorced 2000-05-23 1979-06-19 Chris John John Chris Ella John 384-64-4543 320-17-1851 267-58-3842 972-91-1036 40267 61495 110-573-2290 789-308-1485 Other Male
0.179206 0.151502 deers cdr 12 17 100 874 Widowed Single 1973-07-06 2001-10-07 Jane John Chris Michael Jane Ella 767-62-6327 141-74-4313 694-83-1784 378-75-9142 96224 87513 330-698-1749 274-686-4680 Male Female
0.806254 0.234726 deers cdr 21 80 353 233 Married Widowed 1998-06-18 1977-01-18 Emily David David Anna Chris Sarah 895-35-7183 940-95-6700 428-26-1507 801-24-2043 68631 30905 988-143-5132 953-763-2438 Female Male

III.A The fellegi sunter model

The fellegi sunter model was developed to identify duplicated and probabilistically linked records in databases. Under the hood, the mathematics are quite similar to Naive Bayes classification methods. It works by using "rules" (relationships between column features) to create model weights that estimate whether a record is a match (M probability) or unmatch (U probability).

III.B Splink slides

Splink [2] is a python & Spark package that integrates the Fellegi Sunter model under the hood to identify records that match with each other. It is the code framework to integrate with Spark on the AWS Elastic Map Reduce system. For a more detailed explanation, see the slides below;

IV Spark, AWS Elastic Map Reduce & PostgreSQL (Redshift)

The configuration between AWS EMR and Redshift can be seen in the diagram below. Data is extracted from postgreSQL (redshift), where the ETL is done in SQL. It is then processed using Pyspark code and the results are pushed back to postgreSQL.


V Model Design

V.A code & system structure

The full scale machine learning system has the following file path structure


V.B SQL files


These are the main queries that extract from each table. Within the redshift schema, they pull from the master_system_view, and each file is named in accordance to the data source it represents. aplis_source_master_view.sql extracts the contents of Aplis in the master_system_view.


  • create_splink_linked_record.sql creates a table that we push the splink predictions to from EMR.
  • evaluate_view.sql creates a view of all the results for each associated config file and its associated time stamp
  • analytics.sql is represents the aggregated analytics on the number of true positives, false positives, etc for each table source.

V.C Shell scripts

The shell scripts are detailed spark submit commands that get the spark cluster to run several files; * (which imports * A .json configuration file, included in the lines of the shell script that set the parameters for via argparse arguments

For each linkage job we have a series of shell scripts in a given folder. For example, for the case of linking deers to cdr, we have a folder of shell scripts for this job. Each shell script has a naming structure;

  • config/deers_to_cdr/ The name deers_to_cdr indicates the left table is deers, the right table is cdr, det_det indicates the left side has only deterministically matched records, and so does the right side. det_undet would mean the right table has non-deterministically matched records. The suffix A_A means we're linking people in the left table whose names only begin with A to people in the right table that also begin with A.
    • We only focus on matching first names that have identical first initital comparisons - non identical first initial comparisons (e.g. A_B, (comparing Alfred to Bill) dont yield very many matches).
   spark-submit \
        --master yarn \
        --deploy-mode "client" \
        --driver-memory 9g \
        --executor-memory 9gb \
        --num-executors 36 \
        --executor-cores 4 \
        --conf "spark.pyspark.python=/efs/dq_i/python/aws3-011123/aws3/bin/python3.10" \
        --conf "spark.pyspark.driver.python=/efs/dq_i/python/aws3-011123/aws3/bin/python3.10" \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
        --jars /efs/dq_i/mssql-jdbc-10.2.1.jre8.jar,/efs/dq_i/ojdbc8.jar,/efs/dq_i/redshift-jdbc.jar \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.int96RebaseModeInRead=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=1000000 \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.int96RebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInRead=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.timeParserPolicy=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.sql.legacy.timeParserPolicy=CORRECTED \
        --conf spark.hadoop.hadoop.tmp.dir="/mnt/var/lib/hadoop/tmp/s3_joe" \
        --conf spark.local.dir="/mnt/var/lib/hadoop/tmp/s3_joe" \
        --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.buffer.dir="/mnt/var/lib/hadoop/tmp/s3_joe" \
        --conf spark.worker.local.dir="/mnt/var/lib/hadoop/tmp/s3_joe" \
        /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/ \
        --c "deers_to_mhs_genesis/deers_to_cdr_det_det_A_A.json"
  • Each shell script takes about 6 minutes to run
  • For each folder, we combine all individual shell scripts (A_A, B_B, etc) into one big shell script called This allows for us to run each linkage job indepedently, avoiding out of memory failures.
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
   source /efs/dq_i/Workbench-Module_v2.0/workbench/classes/splink/Shell_Scripts/mhs_genesis/equal/
  • Each shell script references a .json config file that then loads the parameters of the particular job

  • produces shell scripts for each linkage job and each first name initial. Thus for each source table (cdr,aplis,chcs,mhs_genesis,essentris) we also product shell scripts for deterministically matched and un-deterministically matched records, and for each those combinations we make a shell script for each letter of the alphabeter (first name starts with A, B, C, etc).

V.C Config files

The config file structure shares a similar nomenclature to the shell scripts, but the contents are in json format and detail splink parameters. Each linkage job contains a python script that makes a .json config file for each possible shell script comparison. For example, config/deers_to_aplis/ has a dictionary for all the base blocking rules and splink comparisons, but then produces an associated .json file for each possible first name initial, and both deterministic and non-deterministic matches (52 total config files per linkage job - all conveniently ran in a sinlge EMR instance using

Here is an example of a config file for deers_to_chcs_det_det_A_A.json;

    "settings_rules": [
    "levenshtein(l.patient_ssn,r.patient_ssn)<=1 and l.dodid = r.dodid",
    "levenshtein(l.dob,r.dob)<=1 and l.dodid = r.dodid"
    "training_rules": [
      "l.last_name = r.last_name and l.middle_name = r.middle_name",
      "l.last_name = r.last_name and l.dob = r.dob and l.sex_gender = r.sex_gender",
      "l.patient_ssn = r.patient_ssn and l.sponsor_ssn = r.sponsor_ssn",
      "l.phone_number = r.phone_number and l.address_zip = r.address_zip and l.dob = r.dob",
      "l.dodid = r.dodid and l.dob = r.dob and l.sex_gender = r.sex_gender",
      "l.last_name = r.last_name and l.middle_name = r.middle_name and l.dodid = r.dodid"
    "data_left_name": "deers_source_master_view",
    "data_right_name": "chcs_source_master_view",
    "det_left": true,
    "probability_threshold": 0.8,
    "comparisons": [
      "cl.exact_match('first_name',  term_frequency_adjustments=True)",
      "cl.exact_match('last_name',  term_frequency_adjustments=True)",
      "cl.exact_match('middle_name',  term_frequency_adjustments=True)",
    "left_partition": "left(upper(first_name),1)='A'",
    "right_partition": "left(upper(first_name),1)='A'",
    "det_right": true

VI Model Evaluation

VI.A Results Analytics

In the following table below we have the analytic results for the model performance on each data source. For each row, two comparisons are made; * deterministic to deterministic - (both the left and right dataset have only data points with a dqi_id, so both side are deterministic matched) * deterministic to probabilistic - (the left side, deers, has deterministically matched records, but the right side has records without a dqi_id, so it can only be matched probabilistically)

For each data source, we observe the model performance on records that are known to be deterministically matched, and we see how many records Splink probabilistically matches. The results are generally close.

source_system total_deterministic_matches true_positive false_positive false_negatives splink_matches_no_dqi_id splink_matches_with_dqi_id recall (aggregated)
chcs 4115825 4107783 148413 8042 1185 4256196 0.9980
cdr 18360601 18109355 237846 251246 55659358 18347201 0.9863
essentris 639139 457515 28725 181624 2279 486240 0.7158
aplis 7268069 6961681 25096 306388 8631848 6986777 0.9578
mhs_genesis 5821864 1408745 14248 4413119 36802
1422993 0.2419

VI.B Venn Diagram

VII Major challenges

There were two huge challenging blockers in the development of this project. When building anything, you sometimes face problems that are out of your control.

VII.A EMR failure

Due to beurocratic and logistic problems, our AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) system had been set up to fail repeatedly. In the beginning someone with higher permissions access had set our cache memory to be zero. This made training any model with more than 100k rows basically impossible. To make matters worse, we had no way of checking our parameters because permissions issues. This issue delayed us for several weeks, and after final appeal to the DOD, we got some assistance.

VII.B Splink documentation

Splink itsself is ran by a small team and their documentation is written by someone whose clearly multi-tasking. Despite being relatively user friendly, it's tutorials only had some steps written in python pandas format, not spark format. This made it impossible to convert large scale predictions into dataframes without running out of memory on EMR. It wasn't until my team looked through some old backend documents that allowed us find a function we needed to convert our prediction results into a spark dataframe.

VIII Sources
