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Dynamic Programming

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Example 1: Factorial & Fibonacci functions

Evaluate the runtime for the factorial and fibonacci functions for n=50 using %timeit

def Factorial(n):
    if n<=1:
        return 1
    return n*Factorial(n-1)

def Fibonacci(n):
    if n in [0,1]:
        return n
        return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)

%time print(f'Factorial({n})={Factorial(n)}')
%time print(f'Fibonacci({n})={Fibonacci(n)}')
CPU times: user 283 µs, sys: 141 µs, total: 424 µs
Wall time: 364 µs

CPU times: user 3.2 ms, sys: 135 µs, total: 3.33 ms
Wall time: 3.85 ms

Memoization Pseudo code (top down);

  1. Define an empty array the same size as the number of steps we intend to iterate
  2. Define a function that accepts the array and a discrete number n
  3. specify the initial conditions,
  4. if the value of n meets the initial conditions, return them
  5. if theres a saved value for array[n], return that value
  6. other wise, use the recursion relation with the function in step 2 to calculate the specific value, and save it to an array

Example 2: Fibonacci via memoization

Design the Fibonacci function with memoization (top down) in dynamic programming and evaluate the run time for n=20, compare it to the run time WITHOUT memoization

def fibonacci_memo(n):
    array = [None]*(n+1)
    def fibonacci_top_down(n,array):
        if array[n] is not None:
            return array[n]
        if n in [1,2]:
        return result
    return fibonacci_top_down(n,array)

%time print(f'fibonacci_memo({n})={fibonacci_memo(n)}')
%time print(f'fibonacci({n})={Fibonacci(n)}')
CPU times: user 437 µs, sys: 182 µs, total: 619 µs
Wall time: 523 µs

CPU times: user 3.16 ms, sys: 243 µs, total: 3.41 ms
Wall time: 3.58 ms

Bottom up Pseudo Code

  1. define a function that accepts a discrete number n
  2. define an empty array of size n+1
  3. In the empty array, specify the values for initial conditions for n=0, n=1, etc
  4. loop through the values between just above the initial condition values (e.g. n=2) and to the value of n+1
  5. At each iteration of the loop, perform the recursive calculation using the array values and save it to the array.
  6. Make the function return the saved value of the array, array[n]

Example 3: Factorial Bottom up

Design the Factorial function with bottom up in dynamic programming and evaluate the run time for the following values of n; [20,100,1000] and compare it to the original function.

What do these results say about using dynamic programming?

def factorial_bottom_up(n):
    bottom_up = [None]*(n+1)
    for i in range(2,n+1):
        bottom_up[i] = i*bottom_up[i-1]
    return bottom_up[n]

for n in [20,100,1000]:
    %time print(f'factorial_bottom_up({n})={factorial_bottom_up(n)}')
    %time print(f'factorial({n})={Factorial(n)}')
CPU times: user 208 µs, sys: 94 µs, total: 302 µs
Wall time: 264 µs

CPU times: user 64 µs, sys: 21 µs, total: 85 µs
Wall time: 89.9 µs

CPU times: user 257 µs, sys: 100 µs, total: 357 µs
Wall time: 313 µs

CPU times: user 62 µs, sys: 15 µs, total: 77 µs
Wall time: 69.9 µs

CPU times: user 663 µs, sys: 123 µs, total: 786 µs
Wall time: 751 µs

CPU times: user 988 µs, sys: 101 µs, total: 1.09 ms
Wall time: 1.02 ms

Example 4: Runing Sum - bottom up

Given an array nums. We define a running sum of an array as runningSum[i] = sum(nums[0]…nums[i]).

Return the running sum of nums.

e.g. Input: nums = [1,2,3,4] Output: [1,3,6,10]

e.g. Input: nums = [1,1,1,1,1] Output: [1,2,3,4,5]

from typing import List
def runningSum(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    #bottom up approach
    n = len(nums)
    bottom_up = [None]*(n)
    bottom_up[0] = nums[0]
    for j in range(1,n):
        bottom_up[j] = nums[j]+bottom_up[j-1]
    return bottom_up

[1, 3, 6, 10]

Example 5: Running Sum - memoization

def runningSumMemo(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        ans = []
        def cumsum(ind):
            if ind == 0:
                return nums[ind]
            return nums[ind] + cumsum(ind-1)
        for i in range(len(nums)):
        return ans

[1, 3, 6, 10]